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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who is really telling the truth?

Ever since Barack Obama won the presidential elections in 2008 and became the president of the U.S.A , hes been saying he will take care of healthcare , debt etc... , and still he hasint been able to do much , could things have gone better if  John Mccain was elected . Many people are saying that he is lying about his promises and the things he will do, just like when he said he will close the Guantanamo bay prison but did not close it, or when he said he will take care of the unemployed but never did anything but most impotantly when he said he will pull out all troops from Iraq and Afghnistan, Obama still never did anything change and all hes been doing is spend money on war wich is not making a change . During the 2008 elections, he said he will take care of every problem and make change and still things are getting worse and worse, could it mean that he only said those things to win votes and become president but not do any change to the country ? . Since he came into office, the unemployment rate had been going sky rocket and all hes been doing is hurting the economy, Obama has been wasting money on things that are not important, just like in the past couple of monthes during the BP oil spill , he said he will not rest until the spill stops but did he really mean that, could you really trust a lier, do you want the coutry to become worse, will you accept him as your president? .
In my opinion, i think Obama is not making a differance and that all his promises are all lies and i also think hes making the country look bad , because since day one , Obama never did anything and now his supporters are turning on him.

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