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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Canadian man on death row

These past couple of days, a canadian has been sentenced to death after beeing accused of killing 2 Blackfoot members. Ronald Smith, the only canadian that has been sentenced to death in the United States, his execution was rescheduled to the 31 of January 2011. His execution was picked to be a lethal injection, but  the canadian courts have been fighting to stop the execution and not do it, because they think its cruel and not a good way of treating a human. In the years, both sides have been arguing to find out who will take care of the execution, but in the canadian justice, it is illigal to kill or execute someone. Smith has been given many choices, and has been asked many times, if he would go to prison for the rest of his life but he denied that and chose the execution, Smith pleaded guilty on all counts of murder and has been going in and out of court to find out what will happen to him. Before the the execution date, smith will be given other chances and the court will wait for his final decision until then he is still on death row.
 In my opinion, i think the court has the right to do anything to him, and give them all they've got, because he commited a very bad crime and he should be punished or executed the same way he killed those 2 people.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who is really telling the truth?

Ever since Barack Obama won the presidential elections in 2008 and became the president of the U.S.A , hes been saying he will take care of healthcare , debt etc... , and still he hasint been able to do much , could things have gone better if  John Mccain was elected . Many people are saying that he is lying about his promises and the things he will do, just like when he said he will close the Guantanamo bay prison but did not close it, or when he said he will take care of the unemployed but never did anything but most impotantly when he said he will pull out all troops from Iraq and Afghnistan, Obama still never did anything change and all hes been doing is spend money on war wich is not making a change . During the 2008 elections, he said he will take care of every problem and make change and still things are getting worse and worse, could it mean that he only said those things to win votes and become president but not do any change to the country ? . Since he came into office, the unemployment rate had been going sky rocket and all hes been doing is hurting the economy, Obama has been wasting money on things that are not important, just like in the past couple of monthes during the BP oil spill , he said he will not rest until the spill stops but did he really mean that, could you really trust a lier, do you want the coutry to become worse, will you accept him as your president? .
In my opinion, i think Obama is not making a differance and that all his promises are all lies and i also think hes making the country look bad , because since day one , Obama never did anything and now his supporters are turning on him.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Execution is never the solution

This past week they have found a canadian that have been executed in Mexico, the body was found in a trunck of a burnt car, and many people claim he was burned and tortured alive . The man that was murdered was Daniel Dion , he lived in Quebec and ran a recycling company in Mexico, Dion had a big project but it never worked out that well, no one really wanted to help him and thats when they said he dissapeared.
Canadians have been killed or either sentenced to jail in another country, and these past couple of days the US goverment has sentenced Omar Khadr to 40 years in prison but the canadian goverment say he should only serve a time of 8 years. Omar was only 15 when US forces captured him in Afghanistan and accused of killing an american soldier and after that sent to Guantanamo bay prison in Cuba . Many people are saying Canada is getting worse and worse, should Canada step up the security of  there citizens, what do you think they should do? .
I think that Stephen Harper is taking it too far, and my opinion on him is that hes a bad PM, because most of the things he does is bad and theres basically no differance.

Airline madness

 Ever since the attack of 9/11 ,  international airlines have made tighter rules on airport security , now you cant bring more then 100 ml in total of liquid in your luggage/carry-on but still allowed to bring a small samples etc.. , but no one knows what going in or whats going out, many people who the US considers terroristes are smuggling ang transporting illigal things all over the world and committing many crimes, and each year something bad happens  wich creates more strict rules , like when a man attempted to blow up a device while the plane was still in flight or when in the past couple of days  ,they have found explosives of some kind on a cargo plane going bound to the USA from
Yemen and now Canada has banned any coming or incoming cargo/travaleing flights from Yemen. What do you think they should do ? .
In my opinion, is that i think they are taking it too far with airport security, and i just think that the've had a better idea of dealing with it but never felt like using it . I think some airports in the world are descrimininating other people, because everytime a person is wearing a type of clothing, they think they are a bad person (terrorist) that wants to cause violence . If i got the chance of making a differance, i would tell them that they should stop these bad things and just act like human beeings.
In my opinion i think that wars are started this way, just like the war in Afghanistan.