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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Box office winner

In the past 2 weeks, the release of the movie Harry Potter has broken a record. Making over 150 million in the first couple of days of it's release.
Many people have said that they should have stopped making Harry Potter movies a very long time ago, isint 7 movies enough? . The majority of people that watch these kind of movies are kids and young people, but not many like it very much, people exepected the seventh movie to be filmed at hogwarts but it ended up beeing filmed in a modern city, everyone wanted to see the magic spells and the magical places of hogwarts.
For many, they say that the first 3 were the best, but the rest had nothing to do with anything, they just started to get off topic.
At the start , Harry Potter movies were supposed to be based on Harry's life and how he is living threw this magical life. 7 years is enough, shoudint he have died 3 or 4 movies ago, for some reason he always ends up winning against the scariest monster. Good guys win and bad guys always lose, even tho they were the strongest. What happened to that scare on his forehead, why did they stop showing it.
In my opinion, i think that 3 or 4 movies are enough but why 7, i just think it's gets more boring each time, i just want to know how they come up with the new stuff. Starting out at hogwarts and ending up in a big city, everything changed.

Big disappointment

This past 2 days , they have picked the countrys who will be hosting the FIFA world cup in the futur. The decisions werent that good, many people are complaining in anger that why they picked that country but not ours. The president of FIFA has made his pick , Russia for 2018, Qatar for 2022, there was many other countries who wanted to be picked, the United States almost won the pick but slighty lost it to Qatar.
A world cup only happens each four years, many people dont want to wait that long, but alot soccer fans are disapointed in the U.S , they were ready for celebrations but ended up having a bad day. The U.S was perfect, it's big ,theres many locations, pretty good population, and it's very advanced in technology and it's always a step ahead of everyone. Only if the U.S was picked, they would have been ready very early, since they have many big stadiums and arenas threw out the whole country.
Alot of people are saying that, the weather in Russia and Qatar isint that good, because it's either very hot or very cold but the U.S its warm and cool.
In my opinion, i think that they picked the right locations, and having the world cup in Qatar means alot , it's the first time a world cup will be hosted in the middle east, it has many opportunities to show the world.
I wanted them to pick a country in North America to host the world cup, because i think it's better, since most of the time the world cup was hosted in Europe, lets give them a chance.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What is your choice?

Ever since the release of the Black Ops video game, millions world wide have bought it. Over 300 million in sales and still rising,  Treyarch , the company wich created the game has been very succesfull and says that it's a mission accomplished or is it ? . A month before it's release, rivalry EA created Medal of Honor wich say it's the best shooter game yet, MOH is based on a true story ,wich BO isint .
Many gamers were hyped up about the game but now complaining about BO because the amount of problems it has such as the lagging on multiplayer mode, and many countries like Russia has banned this game because the amount of propaganda it has about Russia.
Medal of Honor has been going threw some problems, like sales and the interest in the people, not many have bought they game and many have been saying a bad game but did they even play it ? , MOH is based on a current war and not like the previous ones. EA did a good job, making it look very realistic and giving it's fans a taste of war, playing the game will make you feel like your in Afghanistan, they've picked the  weapons that the military is currently using now , unlike Black Ops , all it has is fake and imaginary weapons just like the exploding crossbow .  Everyone thought Infinity Ward would make BO but it actually got worse when Treyarch ended up creating it.
In my opinion i think that they both are the same, they are very fun to play with and they both look very similar to each other, why would anyone complain about wich one looks better, i think that they should buy both games and just have fun. Treyarch should work a little harder next time.

Drugs drugs and more drugs

In the city of Rio de Janeiro , soon to be the one that will host the 2014 Fifa world cup has been going threw many grug wars for the past week. This could be a very hard hit for Brasil, they've been working really hard for the future of the country but ending up with many problems.
This past week brazilian police has been going into clashes with many drug cartels and street gangs such as the Juarez. They've been doing many sweeps and uncovering many stashes of weapons, drugs and money, and but the human cost is very high.
Many people have been either killed or injured in the precess, many homes have been destroyed . Police has been in many fire fights with the gangs and they were so intense that the army has joined in to help and since they came in , progress has been starting to show up.
Over a 100 gang members and drug dealers had been detained, some of them try to escape the police but theres really no escape since most of the city is filled with police.
The area is very dangerous to be in, it's been so intense and hard for the police that they had to call in armored vehicles to assist them from moving spot to spot. Many say this could take a very long time to finish.
In my opinion, i think that Brasil shoudint host the cup because of the amount of problems they've been gowing threw, and if they dont want any problems, why do they even start fights with the gangs, it's simple as that you stop they stop. Theres many ways for dealing with these type of problems, why dont they start doing it the right way. My other opinion on this is that, i think that they should ask neihbooring country's to come in help, get many police as they can to scare of the gangs, maybe if they get intimidated they might stop and make a cease fire.

World War 3 ?

This past two weeks, North Korea has attacked the south with over 40 artillery shells wich destroyed many infrastructures , the north Koreans say that the south has been training with on going military exercises in the sea between the two borders , fearing that the south may attack, wich triggered the bombing.
The blame has been put on the north , since were responsible for the sinking of the south Korean ship.
The south may never know when the north will stike again, and in the past couple of days they have been preparing them self incase of another attack, and if that happen , there could be a new war, a bigger and more worser then the the first, and many countries like Japan. U.S will be implacated in this.
Since the U.S military is stationed in the south, they both have been traning together and over 30 000 U.S soldiers are in the south, wich the Koreans consider them as a threat. Because China is an allie to the north, many say that China will be on the north Korean side, wich many others have been trying to prevent that.
In my opinion, i think that the south should stop it's military training, because that would help and it would also minimize the problems. I want them to have a peace treaty to prevent the bad from happening, and China has the right to help the north, because what the media is saying, are all lies.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Canadian man on death row

These past couple of days, a canadian has been sentenced to death after beeing accused of killing 2 Blackfoot members. Ronald Smith, the only canadian that has been sentenced to death in the United States, his execution was rescheduled to the 31 of January 2011. His execution was picked to be a lethal injection, but  the canadian courts have been fighting to stop the execution and not do it, because they think its cruel and not a good way of treating a human. In the years, both sides have been arguing to find out who will take care of the execution, but in the canadian justice, it is illigal to kill or execute someone. Smith has been given many choices, and has been asked many times, if he would go to prison for the rest of his life but he denied that and chose the execution, Smith pleaded guilty on all counts of murder and has been going in and out of court to find out what will happen to him. Before the the execution date, smith will be given other chances and the court will wait for his final decision until then he is still on death row.
 In my opinion, i think the court has the right to do anything to him, and give them all they've got, because he commited a very bad crime and he should be punished or executed the same way he killed those 2 people.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who is really telling the truth?

Ever since Barack Obama won the presidential elections in 2008 and became the president of the U.S.A , hes been saying he will take care of healthcare , debt etc... , and still he hasint been able to do much , could things have gone better if  John Mccain was elected . Many people are saying that he is lying about his promises and the things he will do, just like when he said he will close the Guantanamo bay prison but did not close it, or when he said he will take care of the unemployed but never did anything but most impotantly when he said he will pull out all troops from Iraq and Afghnistan, Obama still never did anything change and all hes been doing is spend money on war wich is not making a change . During the 2008 elections, he said he will take care of every problem and make change and still things are getting worse and worse, could it mean that he only said those things to win votes and become president but not do any change to the country ? . Since he came into office, the unemployment rate had been going sky rocket and all hes been doing is hurting the economy, Obama has been wasting money on things that are not important, just like in the past couple of monthes during the BP oil spill , he said he will not rest until the spill stops but did he really mean that, could you really trust a lier, do you want the coutry to become worse, will you accept him as your president? .
In my opinion, i think Obama is not making a differance and that all his promises are all lies and i also think hes making the country look bad , because since day one , Obama never did anything and now his supporters are turning on him.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Execution is never the solution

This past week they have found a canadian that have been executed in Mexico, the body was found in a trunck of a burnt car, and many people claim he was burned and tortured alive . The man that was murdered was Daniel Dion , he lived in Quebec and ran a recycling company in Mexico, Dion had a big project but it never worked out that well, no one really wanted to help him and thats when they said he dissapeared.
Canadians have been killed or either sentenced to jail in another country, and these past couple of days the US goverment has sentenced Omar Khadr to 40 years in prison but the canadian goverment say he should only serve a time of 8 years. Omar was only 15 when US forces captured him in Afghanistan and accused of killing an american soldier and after that sent to Guantanamo bay prison in Cuba . Many people are saying Canada is getting worse and worse, should Canada step up the security of  there citizens, what do you think they should do? .
I think that Stephen Harper is taking it too far, and my opinion on him is that hes a bad PM, because most of the things he does is bad and theres basically no differance.

Airline madness

 Ever since the attack of 9/11 ,  international airlines have made tighter rules on airport security , now you cant bring more then 100 ml in total of liquid in your luggage/carry-on but still allowed to bring a small samples etc.. , but no one knows what going in or whats going out, many people who the US considers terroristes are smuggling ang transporting illigal things all over the world and committing many crimes, and each year something bad happens  wich creates more strict rules , like when a man attempted to blow up a device while the plane was still in flight or when in the past couple of days  ,they have found explosives of some kind on a cargo plane going bound to the USA from
Yemen and now Canada has banned any coming or incoming cargo/travaleing flights from Yemen. What do you think they should do ? .
In my opinion, is that i think they are taking it too far with airport security, and i just think that the've had a better idea of dealing with it but never felt like using it . I think some airports in the world are descrimininating other people, because everytime a person is wearing a type of clothing, they think they are a bad person (terrorist) that wants to cause violence . If i got the chance of making a differance, i would tell them that they should stop these bad things and just act like human beeings.
In my opinion i think that wars are started this way, just like the war in Afghanistan.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Could it happen again?

During the past days, the Russian military have been gowing threw out many differant military exercises , wich includes the missile tests.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia had been considered as a threat to the world, because of the mass weaponry and capabilities they have. During the cold war the Soviet Union showed off there mass weaponry and threatended the US if they attack, wich many people say that that could have been the start of a new war, world war 3. Threw out the years the Russian military have been executing military exercises, and in the past years a TU-95 bear bomber flew into canadian airspace wich panicked many people who thought they where going to attack but the RCAF sent F-18 fighter jets who intercepted the bomber and told them to leave canadian airspace, but the russians have bean saying that it was only an exercise.
No one ones the truth, and with the various missile tests that the russian military had been doing, could this mean that they are re-arming for a new war ? .
In my opinion i think that every military force in the world, has the right to do anything they want because next thing you know theres a spy that is creating lies.
I think that if they train, they could have atleast told the public about it , so that no problems could happen.

Indonesia disaster

For about a week now Indonisia has been in disaster after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit, and the quake was so strong it triggered many tsunamis. During that time they have reported that there has been a boat on the coast of the country wich was carrying up to 10 Australians but now now they are all in safe conditions.
There has been reports that they have descovered over a hundred dead and over 300 missing after the quake hit and still to this time , they are descovering more and more bodies. Many witnesses had been saying that the waves were about 10 feet high,
During this disaster , another volcano has erupted and still many people are trying to escape and survive and most of the country is destroyed wich makes it even harder , and many other countries around the world are rushing to go help and give humanitarian aid and also help evacuate as many people as possible. The country had been going threw many disasters in the years, but all its doing is getting worse and worse.
My take on this , is that we should act now and make a differance, because later on that chance will be gone.
and my other opinion , is that i think its all a joke in a way because if they knew that the storm is coming , why did it take them a long time to react , it could have gotten even better.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Russell Williams

During the past couple of years, Colonel in the RCAF Russell Williams committed many disgusting crimes, murdering,raping and torturing many women.
The past couple of weeks authorities found evidence piece by piece until they uncovered the crimes , and later on prosecuted the Colonel and strarted to in investigate. Russell committed a total of 88 crimes, wich include the raping and murder of the 2 Canadian Forces members.
Russell Williams began by stalking and watching the 2 women , until he broke into there homes. Russell was the highest ranking officer in the air force and he also flew the royal family and many others. After they have found out about his crimes, they stripped off his rank, and what he did had a very bad impact on the Canadian Forces. Russell Williams has been sent to prison and now serving up to 50 years .
 My opinion on this, is that i really dont like what he did , the thing is if he knew what would happen to him why would he do it,  think he wrecked his life and but the answer i want to know is why he did it in the first place? .

Monday, October 18, 2010

What would really happen ?

This past week NATO officials said that they have reports saying that Osama Bin Laden isint in Afghanistan but is hiding in northwest Pakistan. We wasted our time and lives in Afghanistan for all thhese years and still never found Osama Bin Laden, but now that they know where he is, could that mean that they are all moving out of Afghanistan and starting a new war in Pakistan ? . It could take alot of time for all allied soldiers to move out and by that time Osama could go to another place and the samething could happen to us like in Afghanistan.
In my opinion, i think that this is all a waste of time , because i just dont like what they are doing , its almost like they are wasting there time and lives for something they never started,  and i think this should stop because , they've been at war for many years and can you tell me any good thing they have done ? .

Friday, October 15, 2010

The end of the afghan war ?

 The afghanistan war is still happening ever since the US waged war against the Taliban and Al Qaida. Its been 9 years into the war, many coutries are participating in the war, and most importantly many soldiers are dying everyday but is the progress really happening? . The US have said that they want to catch the terrorist responssible for the attack on 9/11 wich they think its Ousama Bin Laden and they still nver found him, they are wasting there time in afghanistan and wasting inocent human lives. They could have caught him by now, they had there chance and now its gone. And now they have finally made the right choice, the US goverment said all US military will pull out of afghanistan by 2011 and during that time other countries will also do the samething but some of them will still stay to train the afghan military and police to carry on there work.
In my opinion, i think that the US started this war on perpose just to show the world that they are not weak, and everytime i read things about this subject, all it's saying is that they have caught the terrorists and made the country better but all they've done is make it worse . Only if i got the chance of making a differance, i would stop the war now .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

World News

Time Square bombing

On May 1 , a Pakistani immgrant attempted to blow up his car in Time Square but failed. After the incedent has happened, authorities started quickly to investigate and 2 days later found and arrested the person responssible .
Later on the immigrant Faisal Shahzad  that had been helped by Al- Qaida , has been sent to court many times and then he has been sentenced to life in prison .
Faisal Shahzad has pleaded many times and said he did not really mean to do it, but the law says that they always have to protect and serve the country from terrorism.
In my opinion, i think that everything they have accussed him of doing is a lie, and the thing that bothers me the the most is the way the media shows it. This whole thing could be a lie, maybe they never caught the person and just wanted them selfs to look good that they've done a good thing.